Monday, January 18, 2010

Google pay for clicks vs. SEO and Social Media

Often we find that hours of research, time invested and money spent trying to get better Google rankings is way too much effort. I have to admit that a lot of effort goes into This is the primary site that drives the shop for key finders and purse hangers. We have done professional writing, SEO optimization, Social Media and linking to client sites and that yielded some trafficking.

While the is purely Google advertising, I find it less painful and more rewarding to spend my time developing catchy phrases and mocking around with keywords than trying to keep up with "the googles".

If you're trying to do online retail, find a small business like to help with an inexpensive online retail site, and learn how to get your money worth from CPC, It's well worth your time. A single month without goggle advertising yields less than $200.00 in online sales while kicking in the ad's sales were over $1600.00.

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